Wednesday, February 3, 2010

There are many types of phobias in the world. I have a phobia which is not common. I am scared of the flame on the candle as...

This incident happened when I was two years old. I was celebrating my birthday. My parents bought me a chocolate cake. They also bought me some goodies.

Out of curiousity, I touched the flame. It burned my hand. I cried loudly. My parents tried to console me by singing the birthday song, but to no avail. Finally, they solved the problem by cutting a piece of cake for me. When I saw the cake, I stopped crying and started to eat the cake.

Up till now, I still live with this phobia. I am trying to conquer my fear by...

During my birthday, I will light some candles and place them on the cake. I will stare at the candles and tell myself it is just a small and tiny candle, it would not kill me. After that, I will blow the candle.

I am getting braver day by day. I believe that I will overcome my fear soon.

Bethany penned @ 9:23 PM

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

''One , two, three, smile!'' We showed our white teeth. We were shopping in a shopping centre, together with my two friends and my brother. While we took this picture, we were munching on the yummy biscuits. Both of them were my kindergarten friends. To my suprised, the girl who was standing beside me was my primary school classmate. She was in my class when we were primary three. I was shocked. She changed so much and had grown taller and prettier. Whereas, the other girl, I lost contact with her.

It was Christmas season and my mother's friend took us out to eat, play and shop. We enjoyed ourselves with lots of goodies to eat as well as Christmas presents received.

Bethany penned @ 5:36 AM

Friday, January 22, 2010

It was raining heavily in the morning. I woke up from my bed reluctantly and changed into my new school uniform.

As it was raining heavily on the first day of school, all the students had to go to the classroom. My form-teacher, Mrs Lim, introduce herself to the class and all the students had to introduce themselves too.

We walked to the basket ball court to play games with the student counsellors. They were Eunice and Eng Kiat. The counsellors were helpful and friendly that made all of us at ease. We enjoyed playing games with them and through this, I knew more of my friends in my class.

Lastly, all the students were brought to the different school compound to get ourselves familiar with the school. I enjoyed my first day of school in Henderson.

Bethany penned @ 10:55 PM

My name is Bethany Goh Jia Huey and I would like to introduce myself.

I am a small eater. I eat everything that is placed on the table but I eat more vegetables than meat. I love eating Japanese food. I like Sushi and Chawanmushi. My favourite drink is bubble tea as it is very special to have pearls. Whereas, normal drinks do not have.

Besides food, I love watching television programmes as well as watching movies. I like horror and comedy shows. Sometimes, I would pop in popcorn in my mouth while watching a show at home. I would off the lights and imagine that I am in the cinema. This will help me to relax and reduce stress.

Bethany penned @ 10:36 PM


Bethany Goh Jia Huey
24 September 1997
Henderson Secondary School


Henderson Secondary School
Nanyang Primary School


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January 2010
February 2010

